Starting all over (again?)

Due to being disrupted by GP Madrid, i’ve put aside Bant Knightfall for a while. I’ve played Affinity with my teammates running hot on Burn and the third one failing on Junk Midrange. My results have been mixed – a 50/50 I believe because I haven’t kept record of my results. This record was the result of a mediocre preparation and a handful of bad matchups. All-in-All it was a fun time and the results have been ok’ish at least. After the GP i’ve struggled to really come up with Magic because i was in serious doubt regarding my deck choice for the upcoming month. After testing Dredge and Vengevine Aggro i concluded that it’s the most easiest thing to stick on old behaviors and run Bant Knightfall again. Here’s why i firmly believe this deck is capable of getting to the top tables: First: A proactive Beatdown plan The deck has some Beaters, primarily Knight of the Reliquary, but also Tireless Tracker is able to get the Beatdown going. Although these...