Becoming a sad man
Becoming a sad man First – The prequel This is the prequel of the sequel. A sad story about a man and his beloved deck. A deck that was recently ripped apart and sold. This is a obituary of my beloved BW Eldrazi Processor Deck and the Last words that I’m going to write about it. Second – what has happened I was piloting BW Eldrazi Processor for about 9 months. I instantly knew when I saw the deck that I was onto something. Playing Thoughtseize, Lingering Souls and Path to Exile along Wasteland Strangler and Reality Smasher got me. I was teching the deck, tweaking it, investing a bunch of money into it and now it’s time to abandon it. Like I has written in my last blog, every Brew has something to pick up and learn from. And I’ve learnt a lot from this deck. Wether it’s sideboarding, playing crazy 1-ofs, decisions that were made and won games, understanding Modern as a format at a higher level, all these things and much more. But it’s not only about learning and ...